
Welcome to Faith of Doss. We’ve set this page up to provide you with background information, interviews and study guides, all of which will help you better understand and appreciate the life and beliefs of Desmond Doss.

Who we are

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a Christian denomination that was officially founded in 1863 in America. It was formed by a group of people who took God’s word in the Bible seriously. What they discovered in the Bible’s pages changed their lives — from what day they went to church on (Saturday), the way they cared for their bodies, and — more important than any of these — seeing Jesus as the centre of their faith, taking His word as the basis of all faith.

As a result of these pioneering world-changers, the birth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church has seen countless individuals helped, lives transformed and hearts softened by a combination of the work of the Gospel (the good news about God’s love and saving work through Jesus); health principles for life; peace and happiness; and humanitarian work in nearly every country in the world.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia is made up of real people who care about their world, the environment, their families, their children, and especially their faith and trust in Jesus.

There are more than 18 million Seventh-day Adventists in the world, with estimates of up to 30 million worshipping in an Adventist church on Sabbaths. Our church is one of the fastest-growing Christian churches anywhere in the world. On any given day, 3052 people join the church.

Our church is committed to helping in our communities and serving the greater good. Whether it’s in Outback towns where teams go to serve, community health programs (such as the Complete Heath Improvement Project), depression recovery programs, school breakfasts or community food banks, one things is for sure — you don’t have to go too far to find an Adventist church that will be able to support you and your family as you take the first amazing steps toward a simpler, better way to live.

Our mission and purpose

The Seventh-day Adventist Church has taken the words of Jesus literally when He told His followers to take His amazing saving story to the whole world. That’s what we’re busy doing!

We don’t want anyone to miss out on getting to know God. We want everyone to have the opportunity to find Jesus for themselves, and find out about how life can be better lived here and now. As a result, we see ourselves as people who are dedicated to sharing the message of Jesus and His love to as many people as we can.

So far, this has taken us to plant churches, establish schools, hospitals and clinics, and create development and relief agencies in 215 of 237 countries of the world. Yes, we would love to be in those last 22, but we’re not officially allowed to work in them yet!

What does the Seventh-day Adventist Church do in Australia? Well, apart from running churches around the country, there are plenty of other things we’re involved with! There are Adventist schools (that anyone can attend — you don’t have to be an Adventist), aged-care facilities, a hospital, retreat and convention centres, and much more — including a radio station called FaithFM.

In addition to this, many of our churches and church members are active in things like food bank programs, op shops, community activities and events (such as STORM Co, where groups of volunteers visit remote towns to run holiday programs and engage in service projects), women’s refuges, and health programs.

Whatever your situation is, we know you won’t be disappointed with Jesus, because He is enough. We look forward to sharing this journey with you.